Hoof it for Haiti Charity 5K and Fun Run
The proceeds of the race will be used to create a safe drinking water supply for Sassier, a very poor community located in the mountains of Southwest Haiti. Water-borne diseases are the largest killers of infants and children in Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The Sassier area currently has no safe drinking water supply for its 10,000 residents. Water-borne diseases such as diarrhea, typhoid fever and cholera sicken thousands of people across Haiti every year.
Hoof it for Haiti was launched in 2010 by a group of deeply committed teens and parents from Sacred Heart Parish in Winnetka, Illinois. The inaugural event was a big hit with the nearly 250 runners, and a financial success. Funds raised were used to provide assistance to the victims of the January 2010 Earthquake.
Sacred Heart of Winnetka and St Jean Baptiste of Sassier, Haiti became Twin Parishes in 1999. Since then, Sacred Heart parishioners and students have supported the construction of a school, medical clinic and community center, as well as significant micro-economic development and agriculture programs.
Zanmi Sasye | Partners with Sassier joins Sacred Heart as co-sponsor of Hoof It for Haiti. Since 2005, Zanmi Sasye has worked with Sacred Heart and the people of Sassier on educational, health and economic development and agricultural projects. Zanmi Sasye provides financial, program management and technical assistance to St Jean Baptiste and the people of the Sassier community. For more information, click www.partnerswithsassier.org.