“I don’t think we will survive.”
– Mondy Pamphile
October 4, 2016

Deacon Gerry Keenan received this text this morning from the head of our partner organization in Haiti. He and his family are huddled in their home as 100 mile per hour winds howl around them and torrential rains batter their home. The eye of the Hurricane passed within 10 miles of Sassier on Tuesday morning about 9 AM. They still have another 12+ hours of Hurricane Matthew to endure.

How long, LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? Psalm 13:1

They may be the lucky ones. Their concrete home is on a hilltop. So many people in the Sassier area live on hillsides or near rivers in homes with metal or thatched roofs. When trees snap like twigs, tin roofs go flying.

Imagine the destruction that would be caused in your neighborhood by 15+ inches of rain in 24 hours and 100 mile an hour winds. Now, imagine what our sisters and brothers in Haiti are experiencing right now…and what they will experience when streams and rivers become raging torrents, sweeping away everything in their path. Imagine the flooding as the waters overflow the rivers’ banks. Imagine having nowhere to go. …

Our immediate reaction as generous people is “What can I do.” Right now, pray that our sisters and brothers survive the storm, and they are able to face what is ahead.

We know the relief and rebuilding efforts will be enormous. Haiti was a challenging place to get things done before Matthew. With trees down, roads washed out and limited fuel supplies, relief and recovery will be an extraordinary effort.

In addition to your prayers, we ask that you donate today to our Relief Fund for Sassier.  You can donate now via the form below.  You can also donate by sending a check made to to Zanmi Sasye—Partners with Sassier at:

Gerry Keenan, President
Zanmi Sasye–Partners with Sassier
1655 Lake-Cook Road  Suite 338
Highland Park, IL 60035


All the money will be used in the Sassier area. All donations are deductible to the full extent provided by law.
We will update you when the Hurricane has passed and the extent of the destruction and loss has become clearer. Thanks you for your prayers and support for our sisters and brothers in Sassier.