Once again this year, we are collecting gently-used shoes, sandals, sports shoes, etc. for the people of St. Jean Baptiste, our Twin Parish in Sassier, Haiti. In Sassier, many of their parishioners walk up and down the mountains with no shoes or ones that are badly worn. Children come to school barefoot and many people walk more than 2 hours to the nearest market in nothing more than flip-flops, if they have shoes at all. The nurses in the parish’s medical clinic frequently treat infected foot wounds.

All kinds of shoes are welcomed, except winter boots–it doesn’t get cold or snow in Sassier. Please drop off your shoes in the SHOES for SASSIER containers in the Gathering Space at Church or in the Sacred Heart School lobby from February 22 now through March 29.

Think of all the Happy Feet that will be thanking you when your shoes find new owners in Haiti. Thanks for your great support again this year!!!!!