Screen Shot 2014-02-27 at 4.25.03 PMDid you know–

  • Haiti imports more than 1,000,000+ eggs a day from the Dominican Republic
  • There is no commercial scale egg production in Haiti, except in the areas near the Capital city of Port-au-Prince?
  • There is a start-up social business opportunity that will both meet a real market need and provide funding for the Schools at our Twin Parish in Sassier, Haiti?

Here’s the rest of the story… 

Members of Zanmi Sassier and Sacred Heart’s Haiti Ministry Committee have developed a business plan to develop, build and operate an egg production business in Haiti’s Grand Anse province to: 1) provide funding for the schools in Sassier; and 2) meet a demonstrated demand for eggs on a profitable basis. We have qualified local staff to manage and operate it.

This project would be the first commercial egg production facility in the Province providing more than 4,300 eggs a day. The addressable market is much larger – at least 50,000 eggs a day – so the possibility of expansion is significant.

  • A business plan and budget have been created.
  • The land in Haiti has been purchased.
  • Local partners have made commitments.
  • Customers have agreed to buy the eggs, when they are available.

We now need US-based partners, donors and investors who can help us make this dream into a reality. You and your friends can help us make this happen.

We would love to tell you more about this exciting opportunity. Contact Rich Adler at or Gerry Keenan at for more information. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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