It might shock you to know that Haiti importsmore than 1.5 million fresh eggs a day (more
than 500 million per year!), mostly from the Dominican Republic. Many of the eggs sold in stores in Jeremie, the provincial capital near Sassier, come from Port au Prince on a 12 hour trip by ferry, unrefrigerated. When large groups visit Sassier we will buy six or more dozen at a time and find that 25% cannot be used. Eggs are also expensive-25 to 30 cents each, twice what we pay here. There is a significant opportunity to create a social business that would provide locally produced fresh eggs for sale in Jeremie and other parts of the Grand Anse province. Local jobs would be created and profits would go towards scholarships, our school lunch program and other education related needs in Sassier. We are
beginning the process of developing this business. Fortunately, someone has already developed a prototype that has been operating for 16 months. They are sharing their plans, ideas and experience with us. See their website at We hope to have our first location with about 1500 chickens in operation by the first half of 2014.