College Pierre Toussaint (7th to 13th grade) students and parents are very excited about the first-ever Graduation ceremony for 12th and 13th Grade students. As noted in School Dedications, just ten years ago, the Parish school in Sassier finished at 4th Grade. Fifth grade was added when first 8 classrooms of the first school building opened in September 2004 (funded by SH parishioners), with one additional grade added every year. Now, Sassier’s “Dream has become Reality”-more than 850 students from Preschool to 13th Grade (the terminal year in Haiti’s secondary school). Dreams rarely become reality in Haiti, so the excitement in Sassier is almost unbearable. Eleven 13th graders and more than 50 12th graders are expected to participate in the ceremony. We expect guests from New York, Chicago and all over Haiti to come to Haiti for this momentous occasion. If you would like to join us in Sassier for this great event, please let Gerry Keenan know at