Our Teen Trip to Haiti 2012 left Sacred Heart on Friday afternoon, July 27. The group comprises 13 Teens and 5 adult leaders. Everyone arrived safely in Jeremie on Saturday about 6:30 PM and in Sassier by 7:30 PM. On Sunday, we went to the Feast in new Parish of St Ann in Voldrogue (about 35 minutes away by foot). We had a good taste of Haitian culture and music.
Monday, the Teens met their Teen colleagues from St. Jean Baptiste and formed their teams. We have four teams – Men nan Men (HandsTogether -literally hand in hand), Tet Ansamn (Head Together), Ansamn Ansamn (Running Together), and The Dream Team. Then each Team went on a “Welcome to My Neighborhood” tour, led by the Haitian Teens and their adult leader. Each Team explored a different part of the Parish and learned a lot about how people here live. They also got to sample local fruits–coconuts, guava, etc. After a late lunch (dinner here in Haiti), we had a great Mass in English and Kreyol, with hymns in French and Kreyol.
Tuesday, we began the painting of the second floor of the new school here in Sassier. First we had a big breakfast of scrambled eggs with hot dogs, grapefruit, bananas and bread (great with peanut butter). In the morning, we washed down the walls and ceilings of all the classrooms. This afternoon we gave a primer coat to the first four classrooms. By the time we were finished, it was 4:30 and time for a great dinner of goat, fried plantains, Haitian cabbage salad, and rice & beans with sauce. All the plates were emptied quickly. Now everyone is chilling out. Our Team meeting is at 7:30 tonight. Wednesday is a full day of painting.
You can find more information and pictures here on our website and on the Sacred Heart Facebook page.
All our teens send you greetings and thank you for your prayers and support!