Upper grade students who had no dreams of their future a few years ago now talk about “when we go to university” and play leadership roles in the local communities that made up the 35 sq mile St Jean Baptiste Parish, much of which is accessible only by foot. About 10 of the 11th Grade students now walk more than an hour each way to attend College Pierre Toussaint because they “wanted a school with discipline, so we can learn.” They left a free government school and their families pay nearly US$80 per year, a small fortune, to invest in their children’s future and the hope for a different Haiti. Students who previously had no ambitions talk about being doctors, lawyers, and even the President of Haiti!
College Pierre Toussaint is a dream come true for us in Sassier. We are now full of hope because your prayers and financial assistance make this all possible. Through your generosity, Pierre Toussaint has returned to Haiti, educating children and providing inspiration to all of us.